Tag Archives: msg

Just Say “No” to MSG

Did you know that 90% of Americans are sensitive to MSG?  Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to many processed foods to enhance the flavor.  But the neuron-overstimulating excitotoxin can cause sluggishness, headaches, pain, depression and other problems.  In one study, 90 percent of people who consumed 10 grams of MSG experienced symptoms like light-headedness and tingling in the face within 20 minutes.

Most people think that a little flavor enhancer is harmless so they fail to connect MSG to symptoms they are experiencing.  People who are sensitive to the chemical can have problems even if they’ve only consumed a small amount in a salad dressing or tortilla chips, for example.  Symptoms of MSG sensitivity can mimic those of fibromyalgia and can intensify pain, fatigue and other problems, especially for women.

To thwart the process of MSG exciting receptors on brain cells, which can cause fatigue, muscle twitches and foggy thinking, Dr. Hyman (author of “Nutritional Medicine”) suggests having 5 to 9 daily servings of fruit and veggies.  This he says prevents the overproduction of damaging oxidants in the brain.

I think avoiding MSG is the best solution.  But, the chemical can lurk insidiously in our processed foods.  Since MSG is technically a natural substance, it can be present in so-called “natural” products.  MSG can be called a number of things including “yeast extract,” “calcium caseinate,” gelatin” and “textured protein” or simply grouped into “flavoring” or “spices” on food labels.  If you get real serious about eliminating MSG from your diet, this comprehensive list of ingredients that contain the chemical is sure to be helpful.

all my best,

Karen Cameron
www.IndpendAid.com & www.Memoir-Maker.com

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MSG Bad for Your Waistline …Too

We find it in so much of our packaged, convenience foods and in Chinese food.  It’s accused of causing many health issues ranging in severity from allergies and headaches to more serious hypoglycemia, seizures, stroke and even brain damage. And, now the chemical monosodium glutamate (MSG) is found to pose yet another drawback: weight gain.  In a Chinese study, people who used the most MSG in their home-prepared meals were much more likely to be overweight or obese compared to the people who didn’t use the seasoning at all.

Demystifying MSG
MSG is a salt made from glutamic acid. It’s used to heighten the taste of sweet and salty things, and restaurants add it to everything from salad dressings to stir-fries. MSG is also found in lunch meats and other prepackaged and canned foods. Still, if you’re thinking that MSG eaters simply weigh more because they eat more, here’s the scoop. In the study, weight differences between MSG users and nonusers held true regardless of each group’s overall calorie intake and exercise habits. And, some contend that MSG makes us crave, or become addicted, to the foods that contain it.  Food for thought.

Why the Weight?
This was one of the first human studies to investigate whether MSG might affect weight, so more research is needed to confirm the results. But researchers theorize that MSG might mess with the workings of an important appetite hormone called leptin; it’s the hormone that delivers the “I’m full” message. 

Sources:  www.RealAge.com, Excitotoxins — The Taste That Kills, by Russell L. Blaylock

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